
Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction treatment

You've probably heard about the new shockwave treatment for erectile dysfunction, but you're not quite sure what it is. This new treatment is a breakthrough because it is the first to attack the root of the problem, which in most cases is a lack of blood supply to the penis due to arteriosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries). Unlike other symptomatic treatments that only work while they are being applied (medication, creams, injections or vacuum devices), the effect of shockwaves is long-lasting after all the sessions have been completed. There is therefore the potential to "cure" erectile dysfunction.

What are shock waves?

Shock waves have long been used in urology, especially for the treatment of urinary stones (kidney stones). The same physical principle, but with low-energy, high-frequency shock waves, is now used in the treatment of impotence. The main mechanism by which shock waves work is the formation of new blood vessels in the erectile tissue and the enhancement of the relaxation of the vascular endothelium. From 2010 to date, several authors have confirmed the good results and, in recent years, with sufficient scientific evidence, the various international scientific societies of urology and andrology have endorsed the treatment and have incorporated it into their clinical guidelines.

How are shock waves applied?

Shockwave treatment is divided into several sessions. There are different regimes with slight variations depending on the equipment, but as a general rule shock waves are applied in 15-20 minute sessions, once a week for 4 weeks. After one month, a further reminder session is carried out. In each session, the waves are applied first to the upper part of the penis and then below the scrotum where the root of the corpora cavernosa are located. In this way the shock waves cover the entire length of the erectile tissue. The treatment is brief, painless and does not require any analgesia, sedation or anaesthesia. No hospitalisation or observation period is required after each session. The patient arrives at the appointment time, the waves are applied, and goes home.

Who is eligible for treatment and who isn't?

Shockwave therapy is beneficial in erectile dysfunction of vascular origin, i.e. when the penile arteries are damaged due to vascular risk factors (smoking, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and stress). All these factors lead to arteriosclerosis and narrowing of the arteries throughout the body, including those of the penis. Treatment is not effective and is therefore not recommended in cases of erectile dysfunction of neurological origin (spinal injuries for example), hormonal (due to testosterone deficiency), venous leakage, or in cases of psychological origin (young men with a high component of sexual performance anxiety). Nor can improvement be expected if it is a very severe case with no response to oral drugs. This response, however small, is a good indicator that there is viable erectile tissue that can potentially be improved. Your doctor will decide if you are a good candidate for treatment.

Do shock waves cause pain or side effects?

No. The shockwaves tingle as they are applied, but do not cause pain or any kind of reaction in the penis. No side effects have been reported in the medical literature, except for a rare case of penile haematoma due to a previously unnoticed clotting disorder.


399€/ 4 sessions

1 or 2 times a week

699€/ 8 sessions

1 or 2 times a week

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Los resultados finales tras los tratamientos de medicina y cirugía estética dependerán de las caracteristicas de cada paciente. Siempre debe haber un diagnóstico médico previo.

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