
Hair Transplant

Definitive solution for baldness

Hair Transplant

Now at Clínica IMEBA® you can say goodbye forever to common or hereditary alopecia, or alopecia caused by a scar. The results are very natural, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between original hair and transplanted hair. More than a surgery, it's a real work of art.
This natural and safe treatment accelerates the healing and tissue repair processes.

Techniques used

At Clínica IMEBA® we have surgeons who are specialists in the most innovative hair transplant techniques: The FUSS technique (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) and the FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction).
The main difference between the two techniques lies in the method used to extract the follicular units from the donor area.


Only with consultation.

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FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery)

It's a painless and very effective hair implantation technique that allows the implantation of one thousand five hundred follicular units per intervention, which is equivalent to approximately five thousand hairs.
  • 1st PHASE: Preparation of the donor area: this is the nape of the patient's neck from which a strip of scalp is removed and the incision is sutured, leaving an imperceptible linear scar when the hair grows back.
  • 2nd PHASE: Preparation of the follicular units: the strip of scalp extracted from the nape of the neck is divided into follicular units ready for transplantation.
  • 3rd PHASE: Implantation in the recipient area: millimetre incisions are made to separate the follicular units in order to implant each one.

FUE (Folicular Unit Extraction)

  • 1st PHASE: Small micro-tunnellations are made in the scalp of the donor area, from where the follicles will later be extracted. They are minimal random cylindrical insertions, which avoids making any kind of scar or cut, leaving hardly any visible marks.
  • 2nd PHASE: The follicles are extracted from the donor area individually and are specially preserved until the moment of their insertion. In this way each follicle (of one, two or three hairs) will be extracted directly with its tissue, sebaceous gland, collagen... being possible its later insertion without needing any additional manipulation.
  • 3rd PHASE: The follicles are loaded into an "implanter". This is an instrument that inserts the follicle once it has passed through the scalp. This method reduces the trauma caused to the patient to a minimum.
In either of the two possible techniques, the surgery is ambulatory, performed under local anaesthesia and sedation.


  • The patient should avoid alcoholic or caffeinated beverages.
  • No smoking for a few days before and after the treatment
  • The patient should sleep with their head elevated
  • No physical exercise for two weeks
  • Two days after the operation, the head can be washed with lukewarm water.
  • One month later you can go to the hairdresser.


Yes, the donor area is located in the occipital part of the head. In this area, the hair follicles have no receptors for testosterone, the male hormone that causes thinning, weakening and hair loss. Even when transplanted to the frontal area, the follicles remain unaffected by testosterone, so their growth is definitive and equal to the hair in the non-transplanted areas.

Hair transplantation is indicated in cases of common or androgenetic alopecia, i.e. premature and gradual hair loss in the frontal and parietal areas.

It is also indicated in cases of post-traumatic alopecia, sequels of scars where there is hair. In both cases baldness is irreversible and the only effective and definitive solution is a hair implant.

Three to five hours. Most of the time is spent microscopically separating the follicular units extracted from the nape of the neck.
Depending on the density of the donor area and the extent of the recipient area, more than one session may be necessary to achieve the expected result.
By the eighth month the hair looks natural, and the final result is achieved a year or a year and a half after surgery.
It's a painless process. During the first week, swelling or scabs may appear in the transplanted area. In the second and fourth month the transplanted hair falls out (telogen phase of hair growth). This is completely normal, there is no need to panic, after that the growth and normalisation phase begins.

(+34) 971 102 103

Consulta gratuita


Los resultados finales tras los tratamientos de medicina y cirugía estética dependerán de las caracteristicas de cada paciente. Siempre debe haber un diagnóstico médico previo.

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