Blefaroplastia superior

Blefaroplastia Superior

La blefaroplastia completa o cirugía de párpados, es el procedimiento a través del cual se extrae el exceso de piel y bolsas de grasa de los párpados superiores.

With the passage of time, excess skin appears on the upper eyelid, which can interfere with vision, and bags of fat begin to appear on the lower eyelid as the tissues become lax. With a complete blepharoplasty, these problems can be easily solved.
Full blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is performed in prestigious clinics by experienced surgeons.

You can now book your consultation appointment.

  • Surgery time 1 to 2 hours
  • Local anaesthesia with sedation
  • Hospitalisationnot required
  • Recovery 2 to 3 days
  • Results 15 to 20 days
These are the services included:
  • Preoperative period
    First medical visit
  • Local anaesthesia with sedation
  • Optional sedation
  • Surgery for upper, lower or both eyelids on both eyes
  • Hospitalisation of the patient if necessary
  • Postoperative follow-up visits for 1 year



Blefaroplastia superior – pide su consulta


60€ consulta (importe que se descontara del total en caso de realizar la intevención)

300€ para reservar el día y quirófano

2.100€ (2.040) en el día de la intervención

You may also message us through WhatsApp.

(+34) 971 102 103

Consulta gratuita


Los resultados finales tras los tratamientos de medicina y cirugía estética dependerán de las caracteristicas de cada paciente. Siempre debe haber un diagnóstico médico previo.

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